Saturday, April 10, 2010

Life is Tweet: Odds & ends from Twitter

I'm inaugurating a new feature in which I provide a summary of some of my recent Tweets. If you can't wait for these occasional aggregations of digitally provoked flotsam, you can follow me on Twitter. Look me up by name. If not, this short feature will supply clues about how I use the Web to fill those vacant hours in my otherwise rich life. Not everything is movie-related and most of these "observations" are not linked to one another by either logic or common sense. But, then, what is?

He told us the Wicked Witch of the West was dead.

April 10. Population of Munchkin Land continues to shrink.

 April 9. ... After a phone call to Qwest: Tech support can be helpful, providing you can get past the automated system that's designed to make it difficult to talk to a human. ... Wish I could say I love the newspaper business as much as I love movies about newspapers. ... Sorry I can't see the Henri Cartier-Bresson exhibit in NYC.  Photo taken in Shanghai in 1948 is magnificent.  ...  After seeing The Runaways, I feel better about Kristen Stewart. Nice to see the Twilight actress do something besides moon over vampires. She  makes a great Joan Jett.  (See my recent review of The Runaways.) .... Jeffrey Katzenberg talks to Variety about the future of 3-D. Don't know about you, but I'm already sick of it. Another excuse for Hollywood to ignore good writing.

April 8. For a recent look at the real Cheri Currie of Runaways fame, try this.  ... And just in case you want to see Currie (not Dakota Fanning) sing her signature song, Cherry Bomb, click away. ........ I still think Ajami -- a kick-ass Israeli movie -- is the best film I've seen in the last two weeks. ... Steve Carell (The Office) and Tina Fey (30 Rock) are funny on TV. Their combined efforts in the movie Date Night? Not so much.  ... Fearful that Versailles will be seen only by tourists, the French are pimping its palatial splendor to Hollywood. The French say, 'Let them shoot Bond.' ...  It has nothing to do with movies, but here's a fine New York Times story about the return trip (from the slammer) of a former Newark, N.J. mayor. ... Jim Carrey tweets us to news about his break-up with actress Jenny McCarthy, delivering another blow to privacy.

April 6. Just finished Yu Hua's novel Brothers, an unusual book that seems to be hanging around in my mind.

Must You Tube viewing: Francis Ford Coppola talks about how he adapted Mario Puzo's novel, The Godfather, for the screen.

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