Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Another day, another Neeson movie


It's difficult not to wonder whether even Liam Neeson isn't getting bored with the characters he plays. Neeson's latest tough-guy variation arrives in Blacklight, a story about an undercover agent named Travis Block. Block gets caught up in an FBI plot run by Bureau head Gabriel Robinson (Aidan Quinn). Years in the FBI have caused Travis to neglect his now-grown daughter (Claire van Der Boom). He'd like to make amends by spending more time with his granddaughter (Gabrielle Sengos). The story begins when Block is ordered to corral an agent (Taylor John Smith) who has gone off the tracks. Block soon learns there's more to the story than he initially suspected. Eventually, he teams with a young journalist (Emmy Raver-Lampman) who's trying to expose a power-grabbing scheme within the FBI. Director Mark Williams, who directed Neeson in Honest Thief, includes the requisite elements (chases, etc.) but attempts at complication fall flat. Instead of an expose about unbridled ambition we get another movie that feels as if it has rolled off the Neeson assembly line. Neeson finds suggestions of vulnerability and idiosyncrasy in his character (Travis suffers from OCD) but Blacklight remains negligible.

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